
Friday, March 29, 2013


One of the key in ensuring sustainability in our effort to create a green environment now and in the near future is to get the little ones know the reason behind having a suitable environment now and in the future to come.
A practical way to do this is to create school gardens in primary schools. A school garden can take any number of forms: a raised bed in a schoolyard or an EarthBox in a classroom, a section of community garden blocks from school or a rooftop greenhouse, a flower bed bordering the school building or lettuce growing in water in a classroom. It can be simple or elaborate, involve a small number of students or a whole school, as well as parents and community neighbors.


  1. To boost the interest of the kids in having a green surrounding from an early each.
  2. To teach team work through practical agriculture.
  3. To improve food production at the home front through the community as the children can replicate school gardens to backyard farms.
  4. To teach children how to handle food safely.
  5. Boost collaborative development in the kids.
  6. To teach basic management skills-control, organization.
  7. To provide an atmosphere for youths to discover the untapped revenue and resources in Agriculture

·         the green garden would be a good platform to learn
  • better nutrition and education for the children since is easy to manage by the students, teachers and parents possibly
  • the gardening would promote environmental, social and physical well being of the school community
  • it foster a better understanding of how the natural world sustains us
  • the children gets to learn new skills ; teachers find new ways to teach
  • create awareness about the organization promoting the project and their partners
By and large, starting early in impacting on the younger generation goes a long way in preparing them for a better future.

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